Old Fashiond Christmas Tree Lot. Back by Poular Demand!
Where else can you get a Christmas Tree directly under Christmas Mountain
So, the Tree lot idea was a way to thin competing trees off my land. In the past we have found pinions to work great. They have a strong aroma, they hold up well and they are from right in our back yard, not some plastic looking tree with fern like needles[?] that come from?????? not anywhere in the rocky mountains. Any way we hope you come down and support our old fashioned Christmas tree lot cause it really is local
Well once again the Christmas Season is upon us. I personally with the aid of my Wife select and harvest each tree with an eye towards not only its aesthetics, but how and where it sits in the forest. We only take trees that need to be culled from the herd so to speak where there is competition from other trees of the same species in the immediate area.
From now till Thanksgiving I will be harvesting my "Charlie Brown Trees", mostly pinion, off of my land. These trees are being thinned and culled from areas where they are encroaching my meadow and road and for Fire Mitigation. These trees will mostly be 3-6' ft. in height and prices will range from $10.00 to $45.00 Depending on size and quality of the individual tree.
If you are interested please come by our Old Town Old Fashion Tree lot located directly behind wanderLust road on G Street. Shop Early for best selection, especially if you are interested in one of our "Lobby Trees".
All Trees cut the old fashion way. by hand. |
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