
Showing posts from 2013

First Friday Artisan Sale 20% off. This Friday Dec. 6th

Christmas Tree Lot---Old Fashion, Old Town, in Salida Colorado.

Where else can you get a Christmas Tree directly under Christmas Mountain

Ladies Clothing Exchange @ Wanderlust road, Sunday November 10th @ 6pm

Sweet Home Colorado: Happy tastebuds in Salida

Salida Art Walk 2014 @ wanderLust road.

Person stricken with Wind Madness Disease finds cure!!

Salida's "ART" Bridge by the Boat Ramp

Kite Flying; the best answer to wind MADNESS!!!

Mardi Gras @ wanderLust road w/ The Gumbo Jets by: Mel Lee

Wind Therapy = flying a kite!!!

Mardis Gras 2013 yowza!!